admin 发表于 2021-7-8 11:26:15

Toontrack EZkeys Cinematic Pads 1.3.0 WiN

Toontrack EZkeys Cinematic Pads 1.3.0 WiN
File size: 281 MB
一种新的 EZkeys 混合乐器,简直就像宇宙一样多样化。
对于我们大多数人来说,声音的解剖及其作为创造性催化剂的内部运作是一件很奇特的事情。当我们听到无法定义的东西时 —— 一种新的乐器——我们的思想不可避免地会接受超越传统的解释。声音变成视觉效果,进而转化为有形的想法。这个 EZkeys 的声音库就是一个很好的例子。

EZkeys Cinematic Pads 基于几个模拟和模块化合成器以及一架老式三角钢琴和一把电弓吉他。这些组件一起形成了一种前所未闻的混合乐器,混响、奇特、颤动、不祥、发自内心、流畅和真正超凡脱俗的音频景观。有了这个,你就是一个勇敢的探险家,驾驶着一艘音频船,直奔未知领域——在星际宇宙中无重力地漂流,前往未知的声音边界。如果你放开自己,你就会进入一个境界,在这个境界中,现实与梦想之间的鸿沟只不过是一个清晰的梯度,可供你冲破。



[*]超过 70 个混音预设,提供广泛的创意全景环境声音
For most of us, the anatomy of sound and its inner workings as a creative catalyst is a peculiar thing. The moment we hear something we can’t define – a new instrument – our minds inevitably open up to interpretations beyond the convention. Sound becomes visuals that in turn transform into tangible ideas. This library of sounds for EZkeys is a prime example of just that.

EZkeys Cinematic Pads is based around several analogue and modular synths as well as a vintage grand piano and an electric bowed guitar. Together, these components form a never-before-heard hybrid instrument of reverberant, peculiar, fluttering, ominous, visceral, fluid and literally out-of-this-world audio landscapes. With this at hand, you’re an intrepid explorer at the helm of an audio vessel headed straight into the unknown – weightlessly drifting through an interstellar cosmos en route to uncharted sonic frontiers. If you let yourself go, you’ll enter a realm where the divide between reality and dream is nothing but a lucid gradient ready for you to pierce though.

Welcome to a new source of sound and ideas – literally as diverse as the universe. Climb in, start the engine and head straight for the great unknown.

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1123409817 发表于 2021-7-8 20:13:31


xcymz 发表于 2021-7-9 15:36:00


soulsigh 发表于 2021-7-10 11:43:53


zxm1985 发表于 2021-7-12 20:36:21


qy70088 发表于 2021-7-15 18:24:36


miyue817 发表于 2021-7-18 20:50:57


雪彩 发表于 2021-7-19 17:02:36


wulitaotao 发表于 2021-7-20 19:20:43

很好的音源 nice

roysterlee 发表于 2021-7-24 23:57:31

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