admin 发表于 2020-3-25 20:31:22

伍德切斯特立式钢琴 Fracture Sounds Woodchester Piano KONTAKT

Fracture Sounds Woodchester Piano KONTAKT
与电影和电视作曲家詹姆斯·埃弗林汉姆(James Everingham)密切合作开发的美丽立式感觉钢琴。

伍德切斯特钢琴是我们与才华横溢的作曲家和艺术家合作的新系列中的第一个,为您带来一系列充满个性的精美虚拟乐器。该图书馆是与影视作曲家詹姆斯·埃弗林汉姆(James Everingham)密切合作制作的,并配有他的Wilh。 Steinberg德国系列立式钢琴,在踩下油毡踏板的情况下进行密切记录。


A beautiful upright felt piano, developed in close collaboration with film and TV composer James Everingham.

Woodchester Piano is the first in our new series of collaborations with talented composers and artists, bringing you a range of finely crafted virtual instruments full of personality. This library was produced in close collaboration with film and TV composer James Everingham, and features his Wilh. Steinberg German Series upright piano, intimately recorded with the felt pedal engaged.

We visited James's studio and spent several days carefully sampling every nuance of the instrument. We then spent many months mixing, polishing and fine-tuning the instrument, resulting in a stunning virtual piano with a beautifully versatile sound, which is a joy to play.

Woodchester Piano also includes key release and pedal samples, a unique pianist noise feature to add subtle rustling and wood creaks for heightened realism, and adjustable colour control to dial in the perfect tone for your composition.

Atmosphere Layers
After the success of our Dream Zither and Tiny Music Box libraries, we decided to take our tried and tested 'playable pad' concept to the next level, offering three atmospheric sound design layers which blend together with the raw piano beautifully.

The 'Ache' layer adds a smooth, hazy sustain - a marriage between a reverb and a pad.
The 'Dream' layer offers a more textural, shimmering sound.
The 'Clouds' layer adds a reversed granular delay effect which evolves over time.
These layers can be dialled in to taste using the Layer Mixer. Additionally, the global 'intensity' of these layers can be controlled using the 'Atmosphere Intensity' dial, or automated in real-time using the mod wheel.

88-key felted upright piano.
Beautiful warm, characterful and versatile sound.
3 unique atmosphere layers.
True pedal up and down samples, for authentic string resonance.
Controllable key release, pedal, and pianist noise.
Simple and user-friendly interface.
1.1GB download size (NCW compressed from a 2.2GB sample pool).
Requires the full version of Kontakt 5.3 or above.

请使用 KONTAKT 5.3 或更高版本打开

Home page:

宠儿~ 发表于 2020-3-25 22:50:44


zskm1 发表于 2020-3-27 09:05:16


everthing‘s 发表于 2020-3-27 20:25:52

感谢非常 谢

moonside7 发表于 2020-3-27 20:27:23


shiyi159779 发表于 2020-3-27 22:48:23


734655219 发表于 2020-3-28 16:17:14


kkssyy 发表于 2020-3-30 11:08:33


mixdeo 发表于 2020-3-30 15:44:39


warningen 发表于 2020-4-2 21:46:23


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查看完整版本: 伍德切斯特立式钢琴 Fracture Sounds Woodchester Piano KONTAKT